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How to Remove Empty Values From an Array in PHP?

We can remove all empty values from the array using array_filter() and array_diff() functions which allow us to remove all empty elements.

How to Remove Empty Values From an Array in PHP?

Install Bootstrap 5 in Laravel 10

This article guides you through the installation of Bootstrap 5 in Laravel 10, providing step-by-step instructions along with screenshots.

Install Bootstrap 5 in Laravel 10

Ternary Operator in PHP with Example

The ternary operator is a shortened way to write conditional expressions. It is also known as conditional operator. It helps to reduce the code length.

Ternary Operator in PHP with Example

How to Get Client IP Address in Laravel 10?

In Laravel framework, we can retrieve client’s IP address through the ip() method from the Request object. It returns IP address as a string.

How to Get Client IP Address in Laravel 10?

Logical Operators in JavaScript

Logical operators are primarily used in JavaScript to perform logical operations on boolean values, TRUE and FALSE.

Logical Operators in JavaScript

How to Create Route in Laravel 10?

In the Laravel, routes are used to define the URLs for the web application. When a user makes a request to the application, Laravel’s routing system determines which route matches the request and then calls the corresponding controller.

How to Create Route in Laravel 10?

How to Create and Run Controller in Laravel 10?

In the Laravel framework, we can create a controller by using the artisan command which is php artisan make:controller YourControllerName

How to Create and Run Controller in Laravel 10?

What is a JavaScript typeof Operator?

In JavaScript, we can use the “typeof” operator to determine the data type of a value. The typeof operator helps you figure out what kind of data we’re working with.

What is a JavaScript typeof Operator?

Types of PHP Errors

There are several types of errors in PHP that occurs when something is wrong in the PHP code. Understanding these error types is very important for PHP developers.

Types of PHP Errors

What is an Assignment Operator in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, assignment operators are used to give values to variables, often with numbers.

What is an Assignment Operator in JavaScript?

How to Check if the Cookie is Set in PHP?

We can use the PHP built-in function isset() in conjunction with an if statement to check whether a cookie is set or not.

How to Check if the Cookie is Set in PHP?

What are the PHP Increment and Decrement Operators?

Increment and decrement operators are called unary operators because they work on a single operand.

What are the PHP Increment and Decrement Operators?

How to Encrypt Passwords in PHP?

In PHP, we can use password_hash() and md5() functions to securely hash and encrypt passwords.

How to Encrypt Passwords in PHP?

How to get the Current Date, Time, and Day in PHP?

We can print the current date, time, and day with the help of the date() function. It prints the data related to the date based on arguments.

How to get the Current Date, Time, and Day in PHP?

What is a Logical Operator in PHP?

The Logical Operator is mainly used in PHP to perform logical operations on one or more expressions.

What is a Logical Operator in PHP?

How to Get the Length of an Array in PHP?

To get the length of an array in PHP with the help of the count() function. It counts the array’s element and returns the total count.

How to Get the Length of an Array in PHP?

What are Comparison Operators in PHP?

The comparison operator is mainly used in PHP to compare one variable value with another. These values can be strings or numbers.

What are Comparison Operators in PHP?

What is the Arithmetic Operator in PHP?

We use arithmetic operators in PHP to perform simple mathematical operations. As like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, and modulus operations.

What is the Arithmetic Operator in PHP?

What are the Function’s Parameters in PHP?

Variables inside the function’s parentheses are called parameters. These are used to pass the executable values in the function. Parameters are like placeholders for the values you want to work with inside the function.

What are the Function’s Parameters in PHP?

How to Create the Function in PHP?

To create the function we use the function keyword along with the function’s name. It can be any name that should be before the parenthesis ().

How to Create the Function in PHP?

How to Set the Timezone in PHP?

To set the timezone in PHP, we can use the date_default_timezone_set() function. It is used to set the default timezone used by all date/time.

How to Set the Timezone in PHP?

How to Concatenate Two Strings in PHP?

The concatenation operator (‘.’) is mostly used in PHP to concatenate the strings. We can concatenate any kind of value through the operator.

How to Concatenate Two Strings in PHP?

How to Convert One Date Format into Another in PHP?

We can use PHP built-in function strtotime() and format() method from the DateTime class to convert the date format into another.

How to Convert One Date Format into Another in PHP?

How to get the Client’s IP Address using PHP?

We can use the ‘REMOTE_ADDR’ from the super global variable $_SERVER to get the client’s IP address.

How to Delete an Element From an Array in PHP?

In PHP, we can delete an element from an array in multiple ways.

How to Delete an Element From an Array in PHP?

Laravel 10 Eloquent Mutators and Accessors

The mutator modifies the value before inserting it into the database, while the accessor modifies the value after fetching it from the database.

Laravel 10 Eloquent Mutators and Accessors

Laravel Pennant Package – Feature Flag Tutorial

Laravel 10 introduced a new package Pennant that manages your Laravel application’s features flags. It has the ability to hide and show the application’s features based on cases.

Laravel Pennant Package – Feature Flag Tutorial

Pre-Rendering in Next.js

Next.js generates HTML on the server along with content and sends it to the browser that renders for the user is called pre-rendering.

Pre-Rendering in Next.js

PHP OOP Traits With Example

Traits allow you to declare methods that can be used in multiple classes. It means if you declare a method in the trait, you can use it in multiple classes.

PHP OOP Traits With Example

Laravel 10 Authentication with Breeze Tutorial

Breeze is a package that implements authentication features quickly and easily. It scaffolds authentication in your Laravel application with Blade, React, and Vue.

Laravel 10 Authentication with Breeze Tutorial

Laravel 10 Middleware Tutorial With Example

Middleware allows you to perform an action between request and response. It is Laravel’s component that has the ability to filter the request.

Laravel 10 Middleware Tutorial With Example

SOLID Design Principles With Helpful Examples

SOLID, an acronym for understanding the first five object-oriented design principles (OOD), is critical to developing robust software. These principles were originally determined by Robert C. Martin and have since gained significant popularity.

SOLID Design Principles With Helpful Examples

Static Method in PHP

The static method can be directly called through Scope Resolution Operator (::), which means there is no need to create an instance of the class.

Static Method in PHP

Interfaces in PHP

The interface allows you to declare public methods that a class should implement. It means, when you implement an Interface into a class then it has to implement all the methods that are declared in the Interface.

Interfaces in PHP

Abstract Classes in PHP

Abstract classes are a powerful concept in object-oriented programming. They are used to define abstract representational and behavioral combinations, which means they cannot be instantiated without being subclassed.

Abstract Classes in PHP

Python Booleans

In Python, Boolean contains two values that are true or false.

Python Booleans

PHP Global Variables – Superglobals

In PHP, superglobal variables are accessible anywhere in the function, class, and PHP file or script.

PHP Global Variables – Superglobals

MySQL SELECT Statement

The SELECT statement selects the data from a table in the database. It can select all the available column values from a table in the shape of a row.

MySQL SELECT Statement

JavaScript parseFloat() Method

The parseFloat() method converts the specified value into the floating-point number. It has a required parameter in which it accepts string values.

JavaScript parseFloat() Method

Python String Lower() Method

The lower() method converts the string into lowercase. It doesn’t take any required or optional parameters and returns lowercase string values.

Python String Lower() Method

Python String Casefold() Method

Python’s built-in method casefold() converts the string into lowercase. It doesn’t take any parameters and returns lowercase string values.

Python String Casefold() Method

Get Query String Values from Current URL in JavaScript

To get query string values from the URL you need to use the URL interface that provides properties to read and modify the URL components.

Get Query String Values from Current URL in JavaScript

How to Check if Request Has File or Image in Laravel?

The hasFile() method from the Request class checks if the incoming request has a file or not. It takes the input field name as an argument and returns bool.

How to Check if Request Has File or Image in Laravel?

CSS Selectors

The CSS selector finds the HTML element and applies the specified CSS properties to it. For example, to make the font size of a paragraph element you need to select the paragraph tag and add CSS property to it.

CSS Selectors

PHP strtolower() Function

In PHP, the strtolower() function converts all the characters into lowercase. In PHP, the strtolower() function converts all the characters into lowercase.

PHP strtolower() Function

PHP strtoupper() Function

In PHP, the strtoupper() function converts all the characters into uppercase. In PHP, the strtoupper() function converts all the characters into uppercase.

PHP strtoupper() Function

PHP ucwords() Function

In PHP, the ucwords() function converts the first letter of each word into uppercase. It takes one required parameter.

PHP ucwords() Function

Dart floor() Method

In the Dart programming language, the floor() method returns the largest integer less than or equal to the number.

Dart floor() Method

How to use Switch Case in JavaScript?

Switch case compares (evaluates) the two values and runs the code in the scope. It works the same as the If and else condition.

How to use Switch Case in JavaScript?

Dart ceil() Method

The ceil() method returns the nearest and smallest integer greater than or equal to the number.

Dart ceil() Method