Last updated on December 28, 2022
A string value can be converted into an integer value through type casting or intval() function in PHP. Let’s suppose we have a variable $cars
that has a string value. Before going into detail let’s check its type.
$cars = "10";
echo gettype($cars);
// OutPut: string
To check the variable type you can use gettype() function that accepts an argument and returns the type of variable accordingly.
In PHP, we can use the intval() function for converting string value into integer. It accepts parameters in which the first is required and the second is optional. Let’s use intval() function to convert $cars
variable’s value into an integer. To do that, simply pass $cars
variable into intval() function. Here we can assign the intval() function result to any new variable to use it further. Below is an example
// convert string into integer
$convertIntoInteger = intval($cars);
echo gettype($convertIntoInteger);
// OutPut: integers
To convert a string value into an integer through type casting you need to attach parenthesis with type along with the variable.
// convert string into integer
$convertIntoInteger = (int)$cars;
echo gettype($convertIntoInteger);
// OutPut: integer
Above we converted string value into integer and assigned it to variable $convertIntoInteger. Let’s check the full detail of variable $convertIntoInteger using var_dump()
// Output: int(10)