Next.JS Features and its Benefits

Last updated on May 28, 2022

Next.js is a framework of React for production. It provides great features and the best developer experience you need for your business platform. It supports hybrid, static, and server reading and also provides the great features of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Next.js Features:

Below is the list of features that next.js provides,

  • A universal React framework familiar internationally 
  • Image Optimization
  • Static site generation (SSG), Server-side rendering (SSR)
  • Next js Providing Typescript Support
  • Configuration is easier
  • File system routing
  • API Routing

A Universal React Framework Familiar Internationally

Next.js has built-in support of internationalization (i18n).  If we count letters between i to n internationalization it will be 18 letters so it is mean it stands for 18.  Next.js has started support routing since Version 10.0.  You can provide the list of the default local, local, and domain-specific locales.

const nextConfig = {
  // other stuff
  i18n: {
    defaultLocale: "en",
    locales: ["en", "sv", "zh-CN"],

Above configurations will get the local automatically. When you change the default-local or locals, after restarting the server it will detect the locals.

Image Optimizations:

Next.js includes a very interesting feature of image optimizations. It has an HTML component <img> element that includes many features of built-in performance of image optimizations which creates an appropriate size of image for user experience.

Fast Loading Images:

Next.js analyzes the image size itself and then adjusts according to the device dimensions and supports modern image formats. In this way, next.js based applications load images fast.

It is a very interesting feature. Using other programming languages and frameworks, front-end developers put a lot of effort to do the same task. So next.js brings this fantastic feature to load images when it is in the viewport, and it provides an optional blur placeholder for out of the viewport.

Visually Stability:

You may have experienced changing dimensions that disturb the layout but next.js has the ability to prevent automatically Increasing Layout Changes.

TypeSctipt Support:

TypeScript is a programing language built on javaScript. It is supported by next.js and by providing better support with these two combinations developers can enhance the user experience.

File System Routing:

Next.js has a built-in feature for page routing, which helps in SEO and navigation. When a file adds into the page’s directory, it is available for routes. Also, it provides a sub-path route on different levels.

API Routes are a robust feature of next.js, any file inside of pages folder (pages/API) provides JSON so it means every file treats it as an API endpoint. They are server-side bundles it will not increase the size of the client-side bundle.

For example, an API route (pages/api/user.js) will return a JSON response with a status code of 200.

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I am a skilled full-stack developer with extensive experience in creating and deploying large and small-scale applications. My expertise spans front-end and back-end technologies, along with database management and server-side programming.

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