Convert Strings into Lowercase in Python

Last updated on March 9, 2023

Python has two built-in methods that convert capitalized alphabetic letters into lowercase which are the following,

  1. casefold() Method
  2. lower() Method

These methods access through dot notation which means in order to convert the string into lowercase, first a string has to store into a variable.

1. casefold() Method

To use the casefold() method, let’s assign a string that contains uppercase letters to favoriteProgramming variable and convert it into lowercase.

favoriteProgramming = "I Like Python Programming Language."
convertedString = favoriteProgramming.casefold()

In this example, the string is stored into a variable that is favoriteProgramming. In the second line the casefold() method is attached with favoriteProgramming variable that converts the string into lowercase. To see the result we can use the print() function.

# OutPut: i like python programming language.

In the output the script returns a converted string that is lowercase.

2. lower() Method

The lower() method is similar to the casefold() method and it works in the same way as casefold(). Let’s look at the code below that is using the lower() method to convert the string into lowercase.

bestLanguage = "Python Is BEST One."
convertedString = bestLanguage.lower()

In this example, the bestLanguage variable stored a string that contains uppercase letters. In the second line of above script we attached lower() method with bestLanguage variable for converting the string into lowercase.

# Output: python is best one.

As above, we got a lowercase string in the output which is converted by lower() method.

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I am a skilled full-stack developer with extensive experience in creating and deploying large and small-scale applications. My expertise spans front-end and back-end technologies, along with database management and server-side programming.

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Tags: Python, String,