Python programming language invented by Dutch programmer Guido Van Rossum. The first release came out on 20 February 1991. It is object-oriented and interpreted programming languages which means it directly runs without compiling.
Python programming language can be used in developing web applications, API and Data Science related projects.
SOLID, an acronym for understanding the first five object-oriented design principles (OOD), is critical to developing robust software. These principles were originally determined by Robert C. Martin and have since gained significant popularity.
In Python, Boolean contains two values that are true or false.
The lower() method converts the string into lowercase. It doesn’t take any required or optional parameters and returns lowercase string values.
Python’s built-in method casefold() converts the string into lowercase. It doesn’t take any parameters and returns lowercase string values.
To remove all the items from the list you can use the clear() method in python. It doesn’t accept any parameter because it removes all the items.
To add an item into a list you can use the append() method that pushes the item into the list. It has one required parameter which can be a string, a number or an object.
The find() method finds the specified word or substring into a string and returns the index of its first character. In case if it doesn’t find the substring then it returns -1
The endswith() method checks if the string ends with a specified substring. The endswith() function has three parameters in which the first is mandatory and two are optional.
Python has two built-in methods that convert capitalized alphabetic letters into lower case which are casefold() and lower().
You can convert the first character into uppercase through capitalize() method.
In Python you can access an element from the list through the index number. To access an element you need to attach a square bracket and add the index number that needed to access.
Comparison operator compares two values in the if-statement. There are six comparison operators in Python programming language.
Float value can be converted into an integer by using Python’s built-in function int(). It converts the first argument’s data type into an integer.
You can use Python’s built-in int() function to convert the string into an integer. It accepts two parameters which first is required and the second is optional.
You need to use the date() class from the datetime module and busday_count() method from the numpy module to get business days count between two dates.
Learn to change the format of a given date in python. The datetime class accepts three parameters. First is the year, second is the month and third is the day.
To convert a date string into a different format, first, you need to convert it into a datetime object through strptime() function.
We can get the current time through the datetime module and strftime() function. The datetime module provides the current time and strftime() function represents it.
To get the current day, month, and year in python we can use the datetime class from the datetime module that provides different classes to deal with date and time.
In python, the ‘+’ operator is used to concatenate two strings. Let’s Suppose, to concatenate “Hello” and “World”, you need to use the ‘+’ operator in between.
Every value has a specific data type, when we change the data type of value from one to another is called type casting.
Variables are data storage that stores provided data to specified variables. In python you can declare a variable without any symbol.
Go to Python’s official website and click on the download page. Or you can directly open the page where installer files are listed for different operating systems.