In JavaScript, the toLowerCase() method converts the string into lowercase. It doesn’t accept any parameter and can be accessed through dot notation.
The toUpperCase() method converts the string into uppercase. For example, if the string is javascript then the toUpperCase() method would return JAVASCRIPT.
The push() method pushes new elements into the array in JavaScript. It accepts multiple comma-separated values in parameters for pushing them into the array.
A shortened version of the condition statement is called the ternary operator. Ternary operators can be simple or nested.
The JavaScript built-in method replace() searches the specified string and returns a new string after replacing it. It accepts two parameters
JavaScript’s built-in function parseInt() converts float value into an integer. It accepts float value in the first parameter and converts it.
To convert a string value into an integer we can use the parseInt() function in JavaScript. It accepts two parameters in which the first is required and the second is optional.